IACLP Members
Participating Professionals
The Ithaca Area Collaborative Law Professionals: Tompkins County Ithaca New York is an organization of attorneys and other professionals who have been specially trained in Collaborative Practice. We are committed to educating the public about Collaborative Practice and fostering professional excellence in conflict resolution through Collaborative Practice. Tompkins County Ithaca New York serves clients in Tompkins and surrounding counties.
Mariette Geldenhuys (Past President)
Clinton House (side entrance)
103 West Seneca Street, Suite 301A
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tel: (607) 273-2272
Fax: (607) 273-4726
E-mail: mariette@geldenhuyslaw.com
Web: www.geldenhuyslaw.com
Charles Guttman (Current President)
Guttman & Reiter
411 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tel: (607) 272-2102
E-mail: lee@guttman-law.com
Web: http://www.guttman-law.com
Erin E. McKinley (Past President)
309 North Aurora Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tel: (607) 273-0733
E-mail: eem@eemckinley.com
Web: www.eemckinley.com
Liam G.B. Murphy
Shaw & Murphy, PLLC
109 East Seneca Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tel: (607) 273-2900 or (607) 898-3190
E-mail: lmurphy@shawlawfirm.com
Web: http://www.shawlawfirm.com
Jonathan A. Orkin
Bousquet Holstein PLLC
200 East Buffalo Street Suite 402
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: (607) 273-6841
E-mail: JOrkin@BHlawPLLC.com
Web: www.BHlawPLLC.com
Michael C. Perehinec Jr.
Coughlin & Gearhart, LLP
798 Cascadilla Street, Suite A
Ithaca, New York 14850 and
73 Main Street
Cortland, New York 13045
Tel: (607) 379-6709
E-mail: mperehinec@cglawoffices.com
Web: www.cglawoffices.com
Lynn Trudell (Past President)
122 Larchmont Drive
Trumansburg, New York 14886
Tel: (607) 379-9358
E-mail: trudelll@mac.com
Web: www.LynnTrudell.com
Iska R. Ziver (Past President)
Clinton Hall, third floor, Suite 6
108 North Cayuga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tel: (607) 257-0284
E-mail: Iska@IskaZiver.com
Web: www.IskaZiver.com
Other Professionals
Donna M. Maier, CDFA, CVA
The Maier Group, LLC
1175 Pittsford Victor Road, Suite 220
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: (585) 586-4230
E-Mail: dmaier@maiergroupllc.com
Web: www.maiergroupllc.com
Linda Parks, CPA, Certified Financial Planner
411 N. Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 244-4194
Email: linda@lparkscpa.com
Web: www.lindaparksfinancial.com
Deborah Berman, LCSW
402 North Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: (607) 296-1244
email: 402nocay@gmail.com
web: Deborah Berman
Dr. Katherine Durrant, DSW, LCSW
Whole Wellness Counseling PLLC
Tel: (607) 793-7555
E-mail: kdurrant@wholewellnesscounseling.org
Web: http://wholewellnesscounseling.org
Elisabeth Harrod
Purpose Parenting
207 N Geneva St.
Ithaca NY 14850
Tel: (607) 280-3198
E-mail: elisabeth@purposeparenting.net
Web: www.purposeparenting.net
Renee LaPoint, M.S.
The Mediation Center, Inc.
150 Allens Creek Road, Suite 250
Rochester, New York 14618
Tel: (585) 269-8140
E-mail: renee@mediationctr.com
Web: www.mediationctr.com